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NewsPaper Ad

The following is an ad from a real-life newspaper which appeared four days in a row - the last three hopelessly trying to correct the first day's mistake.

MONDAY: For sale: R.D. Jones has one sewing machine for sale. Pbone 948-0707 after 7 P.M.. and ask for Mrs. Kelly who lives with him cheap.

TUESDAY Notice: We regret having erred In R.D. Jones' ad yesterday. It should have read "One sewing machine for sale cheap. Phone 948-0707 and ask for Mrs. Kelly, who lives with him after 7 P.M."


Breaking The News

This couple were going on holidays and they left the neighbour in charge of the cat.

After about a week in their holiday they received a telegram to say that the cat was run over by a car and died.


Millionaire's Daughter And Alligator

Once there was a millionaire who collected live alligators. He kept them in the pool in the back of his mansion. The millionaire also had a beautiful daughter that was single. One day he decides to throw a huge party. During the party he announces: "My dear guests, I have a proposition to every man here. I will give one million dollars or my daughter to the man that can swim across this pool full of alligators and emerge unharmed!"

As soon as he finished his last word there was the sound of a large splash!


Three Shots of Whisky

An Irishman comes into a bar and orders three separate shots of Irish whiskey. He downs one, engages in casual conversation with the bartender, eventually finishing the other two.

This goes on for a few days and the bartender finally says, "You know, I can put all three shots in one glass for you."

The Irishman replies, "No, I prefer it this way. See, I'm very close to my two brothers. They're both in Ireland now and this represents a drink for each of us. This way I can be closer to them and feel like we are all having a drink together."



Suddenly one of the employees in an organisation
took 10 days Leave
without any notice. When he returned his
PL(project leader) asked for explanation..
The employee said "sir, my mom died unexpectedly"...
The PL let it go at
After 3 months the same pattern repeated, and this
time he said his father
died.... Then the PL got changed..
After 3 months the same pattern repeated.. And the
employee gave. The
explanation that his mom died. After 3 months same
thing again, and this
time his father died. This happened repeatedly for
2 years.


The Coffin

A pretty woman was serving a life sentence in prison. Angry
and resentful about her situation, she had decided that she
would rather die than to live another year in prison. Over the
years she had become good friends with one of the prison

His job, among others, was to bury those prisoners who died
in a graveyard just outside the prison walls. When a prisoner
died, the caretaker rang a bell, which was heard by everyone.
The caretaker then got the body and put it in a casket.

Next, he entered his office to fill out the death certificate before


HR Proposal Letter

Ever wondered how a HR Manager could write a love letter to his girl friend.



Sub: Offer of love!

Ref: Meeting in coffee shop!

Dearest Ms Juliet,


Call Centre Jobs


1). Tech Support: "I need you to right-click on the Open Desktop."
Customer "Ok."
Tech Support: "Did you get a pop-up menu?"
Customer: "No."
Tech Support: "Ok. Right click again. Do you see a pop-up menu?"
Customer "No."
Tech Support:: "Ok, sir. Can you tell me what you have done up until this
Customer: "Sure, you told me to write 'click' and I wrote 'click'."

2) Customer: "I received the software update you sent, but I am still


The Cleaner

Grab a coffee and read this, it will put some perspective back into your

An unemployed man went to apply for a job with Microsoft thinking his
best chance was as a janitor.

The employment manager arranged for him to take an aptitude test per the
company guide line: (Section XYZ: Floors, sweeping and cleaning).

After the test, the manager said, "You will be employed at minimum wage,
$5.15 an hour. Let me have your e-mail address, so that I can send you
information and authorization to report for work on your first day.



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