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Blog Action Day

Today is the Blog Action Day !!! The Day when Bloggers all over the world do their bit to contribute to the environment.

Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day

Our environment is facing many problems because of the imbalance we are creating in it. These are some things which I have began to practice in the recent times.

  1. Save Water - Being in cities, we take it for granted that we have continuous supply of water. There are people out there dying without water. Use water conservatively.
  2. Save Electricity - Somewhat related to the above point. I used to have this habit of switching on the tube-light and fan in my room and go out of it for hours. Now I make it a point to switch them off when I leave my room.
  3. Don't dispose waste wherever you like (especially plastic) - Dispose away wastes properly. Be very careful with plastics bags and bottles. Use dust-bins and stop spitting, pissing and disposing wastes on roads and footpaths. Only when we all make an effort more consciously will we have a cleaner city.

Do add your suggestions as comments on how some small actions will help us protect our environment.


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