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Advice On Marriage

Recently two women spoke the words in which I firmly believe.

The first was by my friend Veena. Her brother (my very close buddy) and her parents had been on the lookout for a suitable alliance for her. While she initially seemed fine with it, very soon she got very confused about the kind of life partner she was looking for. A couple of weeks back she called up her brother and told him that she would want some time for herself to know more about herself and think about what it was that she would like to have in her life partner. Needless to say, my friend (her brother) happily agreed.

The next was by my cousin Sujana. Her parents had been on the lookout for a suitable alliance for her for the past five years and at last she decided to go ahead with one of them (Congrats Suju, I had almost given up hopes of you getting married ;)). In a conversation we were having the other day she told me "I am very happy Rahul. At last I found someone who I feel is compatible. I had decided that if I wouldn't find anyone who is compatible, I would remain a spinster".

I have always believed - "Marry because you want to, not because you have to". In other words, I see sometimes parents get really worried when their daughters reach the age of 22-24 and when they've considered four to five alliances which didn't materialize. My friend and my cousin embody my belief that one should know what they'd expect from their life partner and one should only commit when they are completely convinced and not because of parental/peer pressure.


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