Déjà Dup is an excellent graphical backup solution for the GNOME Desktop environment. However, it is limited by that it does not provide backup frequency higher than a day through its graphical interface. So, we will leverage cron to achieve this for us. Adding a simple cron job with the command "xvfb-run deja-dup --backup --auto" will do the trick. But there no fun in it. So lets do it with some style so that we receive the same visual notification that we get whenever a backup happens.
$ echo -e '[Desktop Entry]\nName=Dump Display\nType=Application\nExec=echo $DISPLAY > /tmp/display-`whoami`' > ~/.config/autostart/dump-display.desktop
0 * * * * DISPLAY_FILE="/tmp/display-`whoami`" ; test -f $DISPLAY_FILE && XCMD="env DISPLAY=`cat $DISPLAY_FILE`" || XCMD="xvfb-run" ; $XCMD deja-dup --backup --auto 1>/dev/null 2>&1
However, it should be noted that if you login and logout, the file /tmp/display-
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