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An Actual Trial in UK

This is from an actual trial in the UK :

A young woman who was several months pregnant boarded a bus. When She
noticed a young man smiling at her she began feeling humiliated on account
of her condition. She changed her seat and he seemed more amused. She
moved again and then on her third move he burst out

She had him arrested.

Then the case came before the court, the young man was asked why he acted
in such a manner.

His reply was: When the lady boarded the bus I couldn't help noticing she


A Training Program for Top Management

A well-known motivational speaker gathering the entire crowd's attention, said, "The best years of my life were spent in the arms of a woman who wasn't my wife !". The crowd was shocked! He followed up by saying, "That woman was my mother!" The crowd burst into laughter and he gave his speech, which was well received.


In God's Hands

I am a mother of three (ages 14, 12, 3) and have recently completed my college degree. The last class I had to take was Sociology. The teacher was absolutely inspiring with the qualities that I wish every human being had been graced with. Her last project of the term was called "Smile".


Cracked Pot

A water bearer in India had two large pots, each hung on each end of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the master's house, the cracked pot arrived only half full. For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water in his master's house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect to the end for which it was made.


The Gift of Life

On the very first day, God created the cow. He said to the cow, "Today I have created you! As a cow, you must go to the field with the farmer all day long. You will work all day under the sun! I will give you a life span of 50 years." The cow objected, "What? This kind of tough life you want me to live for 50 years? Let me have 20 years, and the 30 years I'll give back to you." So God agreed.


A Moment of Truth

Today I free myself. I had been unable to see why I have been haunted for so many years. But today I somehow realized this as I lay in my bed. It is probably those very few moments of truth which you come across your life. And it surprises me that it had been so simple yet I failed to see it.


Installing Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper On Intel DG965RY via PXE / Network / USB

This article mainly covers the installation of Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper (both Desktop Edition and Server Edition) on an Intel DG965RY motherboard. Anyone of you who have purchased this motherboard must have realized that most of the linux distributions fail to boot from the IDE CD-ROM. The reason for this being DG965RY uses Marvell PATA controller and this is not supported by anything but the bleeding edge kernels. So though the CD maybe booted initially, at the point where the kernel has to fetch the files from the CD-ROM the installation fails.


Partition Backing Up and Restoring Tools


Partimage is an excellent tool for taking backup of any partition. But please note that when you restore, the partition size should be the same as the original partition size. If it is less, the restore will not take place and if it is more the extra space will be wasted. Also the partition should not be mounted if you are taking a backup. As of version 0.6.0, partitions can be saved across the network.

Dump/Restore Utilities


TV Tuner software and remote control software

XawTV and TVtime

"xawtv" comes as the default tv watching program for Mepis. "xawtv" also features recording ability but I think a lot of work has to be done on this feature.

But when it comes to quality and full-screen mode "tvtime" rules. TVtime is installable via apt. The Indian cable settings are:

Default Television Standard: PAL
Default Frequency Table : Europe
Default Audio Standard : PAL-BG

Other TV viewing software


Mail Clients, pop3 servers, configuration settings

Mail Clients

Thunderbird and KMail are two excellent mail clients for linux users. I tried Evolution (it seems to be very popular) but it kept crashing and hence I had to stop using it.

KMail was excellent except for two problems - i. the composer does not wrap text automatically and ii. Support for IMAP folders is not very extensive.



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