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Super Grub2 Disk

The primary purpose of Super GRUB2 Disk is to help you boot into an OS whose bootloader is broken. Documentation for Super GRUB2 Disk can be found at

I had an old system with Intel YM430TX motherboard lying around which would not boot from its hard disk. So I decided to patch Super GRUB2 Disk for three things:


Bagmati Travels Review

On my recent trip to the Golden Triangle (Delhi-Agra-Jaipur), I had hired a car from Bagmati Travels - to go to Agra from Delhi and come back on the same day.


Convert HTML to PDF using wkhtmltopdf

wkhtmltopdf is an excellent utility for converting an URL or HTML file to PDF. Kindly note that the current version of wkhtmltopdf in Debian, as of today, is 0.9.9, which is outdated. I highly recommend that you download the latest featured version from and use it instead. Here are some examples for using wkhtmltopdf.

Simple conversion of html to pdf.


Screencast in Linux

After trying out various screencasting applications in Linux, I figured out the below set of applications are the best for creating, modifying and editing screencasts. Kindly note that all the below mentioned software are available in the Debian main repository.


Reducing VirtualBox Dynamic VDI Size

Detailed instructions for reducing a dynamic VDI size can be found at (FAQ entry "How can I reduce the size of a dynamic VDI on disk?").

Reducing the size of a dynamic VDI is mainly a two stage process:


Now An Official Debian Maintainer

Today, my GPG key has been added to the Debian GNU/Linux keyring maintainers package, thereby converting me from a sponsored Debian maintainer to an official Debian maintainer.


And Rahul turns 30!

What an eventful decade this has been - Graduation, Work, Friendships, Break-Ups and Marriage. With all this experience, I do hope I've become wiser :).

Unlike every time when I'm generally not very enthusiastic about celebrating my birthday, this time I went with my family to a farm and spent the day there. Later, I met a very close friend on my way back home.

Unfortunately, my current activities is leaving me very little time to spend on my blog. I have a list of more than ten pending blog posts which I hope to publish soon.

Category: Review

HyderabadLaptops or seems to be a division or an alias of AISS (Academy for Integrated Systems & Solutions) and deals with computer hardware. I got to know of this company while googling for laptop repair services. Generally, when writing a review of a product or a service, I tend to give an advice to my readers whether to use the product/service or not.


USB Flash Drive With Write Protect Switch

The first USB flash drive that I had owned, RiDATA 1 GB flash drive, had a hardware USB write protect switch. This was really cool as whenever I had to take a printout at some Internet cafe, I'd lock it and then only attach it to any computer. This way I was confident that even if the Internet Cafe's computer was infected with some virus, it would by no means affect the flash drive (which I'd later be using on my computer). However, of late, manufactures seem to have stopped putting this hardware write protect switch on USB flash drives.


Creating Audio CD Image

We all have heard of the ISO image format which is a very popular way of backing up data CDs & DVDs. A very easy way of creating an ISO image in linux is by using the dd or dcfldd command. Similarly, in Windows, applications such as Nero have an option to save a CD as an ISO image file. However, when it comes to audio CDs it is not possible to backup them as ISO image file as they have multiple tracks. Here are two ways to create an image of audio cd for archival purposes.

  1. Exact Audio Copy (EAC)


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