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Pidgin XEP-0136 Plugin

XEP-0136 is an XMPP protocol extension used for storing and accessing message archives. Daniel Kraic has written a Pidgin plugin for accessing these archived messages. Below are the brief instructions for installing this plugin in Debian and using it. Generic installation instructions can be found in INSTALL file.



Buliding Vim 7.3 RPM packages for 64-bit CentOS 5 / 6

Vim 7.3 has one really useful built-in feature - Blowfish encryption. With Blowfish encryption, strong encryption of files is now possible using vim. Here is a short tutorial on how to build RPM packages for Vim 7.3 on 64-bit CentOS 5 and CentOS 6. I have built the packages as user 'root'. However, it is generally not recommended to build packages as 'root'. Instead, this should be done as a normal user. I have not tried this but if you are interested, you can look at the links in the References section.


Integrating iJab with Roundcube

Integrating iJab with Roundcube is a good solution for having web based Mail+XMPP (jabber) client. Steps for configuring iJab can be found on its website. Here I shall mention how you can integrate both of them:


Installing ZK Spreadsheet in Debian Lenny

ZK spreadsheet is an online spreadsheet which enables users to import and export excel files and edit excel files within the browser. This can be thought to be similar to Google Spreadsheet. Only that it is open source and can be installed on your own server. Another very similar open source product which I came across was Sheetster but the setup was not very straight forward and also I was not really impressed with the UI and functionality.


System Harware Information in Linux

All-In-One Tools

Hardware Lister:

Hardware Lister can be used for getting all the hardware information of a system. Some example usage are given below:


Configuring OpenVPN Client in DD-WRT

After spending almost a day in trying to configuring my dd-wrt router as an OpenVPN client and reading many complicated guides, I found a really simple way to configure OpenVPN. It is necessary that you have optware set up on your router. For setting up Optware, kindly read Optware, The Right Way.


Internet Radio Player

UPDATE: Nightangle is now available for download. Ubuntu PPA repo is available as well . See
UPDATE: Songbird linux builds are available through contributed builds -



There is one feature I often missed in linux console - deleting to Trash. I often do a 'rm -rf' and then suddenly realize that I have accidentally deleted something which I shouldn't have. From now on, I needn't worry because I have started using trash-cli, a command line interface to the trashcan. This small utility provides commands to delete and restore files from the console.


BackupPC with Lighttpd in DD-WRT

This tutorial covers the necessary steps to get BackupPC up and running on any device (such as the Linksys router WRT 610N) which has DD-WRT firmware installed on it.

In case there are any steps which I have missed, kindly mention them in the comments section, and I will update the main article accordingly.

Installing DD-WRT Firmware


SFTP Console Client with Recursive Download/Upload Support

I often find it difficult to use 'scp' program because I don't know the exact path to the directory in the destination server and I do not find 'sftp' program very useful because it does not support recursive downloads. Here are two programs which offer recursive downloads over sftp protocol:

1. psftp provided by package putty-tools

# psftp user@server
psftp> get -r directory_to_download
psftp> put -r directory_to_upload



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