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Nice Reads

A nice love story

It was a lovely December morning in the hottest city in the world. All right, so that was a little unfair. Chennai is not the hottest city in the world. But it certainly is the city with the most uncomfortable weather among the cities that I have lived in and I've been around. But I digress.


Mother's Love

In a small village not far from the town, lived a poor woman with her four year old son, Tommy. Every day Tommy helped his mother by sweeping the house, washing the dishes, getting the water from the well for their tea. His mother taught him how to make his bed in the morning, and sometimes he prepared the breakfast for himself and his mother.

When Tommy was six, his mother decided he should go to school and this really gave Tommy great joy but he didn't like leaving his mother alone; but his mother encouraged him to go to school so that he could learn more.


Growing Old

The essence of life....

The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand
touched my shoulder. I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being.

She said, "Hi handsome. My name is Rose.
I'm eighty - seven years old. Can I give you a hug?"

I laughed and enthusiastically responded,
"Of course you may!" and she gave me a giant squeeze.

"Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?" I asked.


Some points to ponder

If we could shrink the earth's population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following:
There would be:
57 Asians
21 Europeans
14 from the Western Hemisphere, both north and south
8 Africans

52 would be female
48 would be male

70 would be non-white
30 would be white

70 would be non-Christian
30 would be Christian

89 would be heterosexual
11 would be homosexual

6 people would possess 59% of the entire world's wealth and
all 6 would be from the United States.


Five Important Lessons

Subject: 5 important lessons

Five lessons to make you think about the way we treat people.

1 - First Important Lesson - Cleaning Lady.
During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was
a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions,
until I read the last one: "What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?

Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times.
She was tall, dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name?


Set priorities in Life

Things in life............

When things in your life seem almost to much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar......and the beer.


Love by Swami Vivekananda

A nice article from Swami Vivekananda on LOVE........

I once had a friend who grew to be very close to me.

Once when we were sitting at the edge of a swimming pool, she filled the palm of her hand with some water and held it before me, and said this: "You see this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love."

This was how I saw it:

As long as you keep your hand caringly open and allow it to remain there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your fingers round it and try to posses it, it will spill through the first cracks it find.


Love according to Children


Love - Children's perspectives

A group of professional people posed this question to
a group of 4 to 8-year-olds, "What does love mean?".
The answers they got were broader and deeper than
anyone could have imagined. See what you think:

"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend
over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather
does it for her all the time, even when his hands got
arthritis too. That's love." Rebecca - age 8

"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is


Boy and his Blind Father

This teenager lived alone with his father, and the two of them had a
very special relationship.

The son was crazy about football and was always involved in every game
but even though
he was always on the bench, his
father was always in the stands cheering. He never missed a game. This
young man was still
the smallest of the class when he
entered high school. But his father continued to encourage him but also
made it very clear
that he did not have to play football
if he didn't want to. However, the young man loved football and decided
to hang in there.


Does spelling really matter?

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it
deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod
are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat
ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl
mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs
is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but
the wrod as a wlohe



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