
Do not forget to checkout my latest post on domain registrars - New Domain Registrar.

So what's been happening of late? A lot. I kind of got busy with other things. I have been exploring new opportunities. I purchased a new laptop. My ISP is giving a lot of problems. This coupled with frequent server crashes is making me consider to move my website from my home PC to some hosting service.



An internal search engine, A "Best of the Site" bar, discussion feature for Customize Linux page - ideas, ideas, ideas - that is what I am swamped with. But unfortunately there are only 24 hours in a day and not just a website to work upon. Agreed working on my website is a passion, but now I have to start giving priorites to other things in life :-). So even though I may not want to, I will have to work less upon my website for the time-being. The Customize Linux page which is probably going to be the best attraction of my site may be delayed.



Have spent about 3-4 days on my website. Alright I know you won't agree with me ... because the output of my work will be visible mainly to Opera and Firefox users. Any idea on what I had been working on ? Yup u guessed it right ... I have been working on compatibility. Compatilitly with IE, Firefox and Opera and not only on Windows but also Linux platform. Some major changes are:



There have been some major updates of late.

  • Purged the Open Diary page in Personal section as I didn't seem to find time to add content it and hence it seemed useless
  • Added Mail page to make my mails accessible from anywhere.
  • Renamed the "Entertainment" section to Archive owing to some changse in the content of this section.
  • Added a new section Articles containing two very interesting articles currently - "Choosing a Broadband ISP" and "Net Telephony"


Not any major updates of late. There many been some new additions in the Entertainment section. As I am on the lookout for a job, I have updated my resume.



After a break, there are new updates to the site.



  • Added a new Open Diary section. This is in a very crude form currently. Future plans include addi
    ng a calendar like interface where one can navigate to any date with ease.
  • Inspired by the site http://www.anybrowser.org I have decided to make my website compatible with all the famous browsers. This would mean
    now my website can be viewed in IE/Firefox/Opera/links (I have not yet tested in other browsers). Thanks to my IIIT classma



  • Made some changes in Menu Bean class to make it more easy for me to add new pages
  • Made changes to the way the navigation bean class handles .txt and .htm files
  • Added a new Blog section.


Every thing we do in our life has a purpose. And my site is no exception. Before I set out working on my homepage, I knew that it would take me a long time (it took me three months working only on weekends to complete this site). And to keep up the tempo, I needed a purpose, a vision. And here are the three goals which kept me going for these three months:

1) To share with people the happenings in my life



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